With the trees taking on their beautiful hues of brown and gold, I am reminded that with the changing of the seasons comes the onset of cold and flu season.  This is the time of year I begin to up my dosage of vitamin C to help build up my immune system, sanitize with even more diligence than usual, and make sure I stay as far away from people who are hacking and sniffling as much as I can.  A common cold is not as bad to work with, but the Flu is what I fear getting the most! 
One of the best ways to prevent getting this downright nasty virus is to get a flu vaccine.  Although it is not a guarantee against every strain of the virus out there, it offers protection against the mostly commonly spread ones out there.  For this year’s flu season, the CDC is recommending against the FDA-licensed Flu Mist Quadrivalent, due to concerns about this vaccine’s effectiveness.  The vaccine supply has already been estimated at 90 million doses as of late September, so it should be readily available at many of the “minute clinics”, doctor’s offices and pharmacies that are licensed to administer this vaccine.  The CDC also recommends getting it by the end of October to allow the best change at defending against the entire flu season.  There is even a “Flu Vaccine Finder” available on their site at http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/season/flu-season-2016-2017.htm.
Standard procedure for me is to take all preventative measures possible, since the flu will most likely render me incapable of operating my truck.  Being prepared for getting it is actually a whole other mindset as well, since the last thing I would want to do if I actually did get sick is have to run out to the drug store for supplies.  This time of year I always make sure to have plenty of cough drops, Nyquil, Thera-Flu, and Robitussin on hand as a preparatory arsenal in the event my preventative measures fail.  Also, make sure you have a good stock of clear liquids and even some electrolyte drinks!
Whether you choose to prepare with vitamins and immune boosters, or through the flu vaccine, do what you can to eliminate getting “the crud” that could keep you from being on the road making money this fall.  Wash your hands even more than usual and be wary of people already showing symptoms.  Use sanitizer after touching items of high traffic, such as doorknobs, fuel pumps, and even money.  Shipping and receiving areas are full of these germs and making sure they don’t get you down is more important as ever during this time of year and into winter!

Comments (2)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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I used to get one every year and my wife has the same feeling against the vaccine, which has slightly rubbed off on me as well. I have heard people saying they've got sick from the shot and never did any follow-up on the matter. I try to use natural immunity boosters now pre-flu season, avoiding "sickies" and washing hands very often!

October 05, 2016 17:50:43 PM

Don't do flu shots. Last one I got I was was sick in bed for two weeks. So, I fight with plenty of rest and lots of Vit C.

October 04, 2016 9:30:37 AM