It is very simple to see if someone else is signed into your Facebook account.  While I know it really is a pain to change passwords it is a good idea to make this a habit and change the passwords often. 

To see if someone else is using your Facebook account go to your Facebook page and look to the top right of the screen for the triangle pointing down and click on this.

Next scroll down till you see Settings - click on this

On the left side of the screen you will see Security and Settings – Click on this

The first think you will see is Where You’re Logged In

So, I did not recognize my own phone and almost had a panic attack!  I clicked on the three dots to the right of my iPhone 6s and went through the checkup, changed my password, and saw that everything looked good. 

A week later I checked again and OH NO that same person was logged in with an iPhone 6s and I went through the process again of changing my password and performing the checkup.  This time though as I was calmer I decided to perform a check and sure enough once I signed in with my phone that pesky iPhone 6s showed up again.  Sometimes I scare myself but I now know how to easily check to see if I have been hacked and I will change my password more often.

Facebook is how we keep up with family and friends while away from home.  My Facebook page allows me to share what we are doing out on the road and lets our family know we are safe.  The last thing we want is someone posing as us and sharing their information.

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Linda Caffee

Bob and Linda started their driver careers after their children left home for college in 2000. Bob started as a driver for a large motor carrier with Linda as a rider. They decided to enter the Expedite industry as team drivers in 2005 and purchased their first Freightliner. Both, Bob and Linda have had their Class A licenses since the early 80's starting out driving in the oil field and hauling grain as fill in drivers where Bob worked as a diesel mechanic. Linda worked at the local country courthouse in data processing.

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